Curl the Roses

December 27, 2015

Stop and smell the coding roses.

Learning APIs Part1 - Seeing the Data

October 08, 2015

For me, APIs (application program interfaces) are were like Homer’s island of Sirens - a beautiful sounding place where programmer happiness abounds but get to close and you’ll die a thousand deaths by poor documentation and JSON (Javascript Object Notation) spaghetti.

Local Server Using Gulp + Browsersync

September 19, 2015

Step-by-Step Instructions

Bootstrap v.3 Basics

May 03, 2015

Summary: Getting acclimated with Bootstrap setup so you can run and play with it.

UX/UI 101

February 17, 2015

In my time since graduating GA’s Web Development Immersive, I have been doing a lot of indulging. Specifically, I have allowed myself to spend time read what I want online. (I actually gave myself formal permission on a sticky note, signed and dated, stuck to my desk near my computer as solemn reminder to never forget to have fun).


February 09, 2015

I wanted to read up on the basics of how teams deploy products. While at GA, we were able to work on a group project using the Agile methodology and scrum tactics but because we worked so closely together, merging branches and getting our app to production was fairly easy.

Balance - Personal and of Stones

January 26, 2015

This post is not about programming, its purpose is to add a little substance to this site’s cover photo and share a little bit about myself.

RedMonk Programming Language Rankings

January 20, 2015

Just released is the RedMonk Programming Language Rankings for Q1 2015, you can find a link here.

What is Responsive Design?

January 05, 2015

My first iteration of proved successful but when I shared the site with my wife, she could not get past how horrible it looked on her mobile phone.

The NOPS Method

December 21, 2014

I will freely admit that when faced with the task of learning some new programming framework or language, I am filled with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Cognitive Science and AI

December 13, 2014

Last Tuesday, I gave a talk at General Assembly DC’s first New Tech UnConference on Cognitive Science.

Why Jekyll

December 02, 2014

I found there are a lot of options for starting a blog online. Wordpress and Ghost and a new one called Jekyll.

After doing some research I found that a static site generator like Jekyll offers some advantages over dynamic sites like Wordpress:

Why I Blog

November 29, 2014

Before creating this site, I agonized on whether to write a blog. I always liked the idea of a blog but did not think I would make a good blogger for two primary reasons:

Meetups for Introverts

November 26, 2014

I am a functional introvert who has learned to loath small talk.