For me, APIs (application program interfaces) are were like Homer’s island of Sirens - a beautiful sounding place where programmer happiness abounds but get to close and you’ll die a thousand deaths by poor documentation and JSON (Javascript Object Notation) spaghetti.
Summary: Getting acclimated with Bootstrap setup so you can run and play with it.
In my time since graduating GA’s Web Development Immersive, I have been doing a lot of indulging. Specifically, I have allowed myself to spend time read what I want online. (I actually gave myself formal permission on a sticky note, signed and dated, stuck to my desk near my computer as solemn reminder to never forget to have fun).
I wanted to read up on the basics of how teams deploy products. While at GA, we were able to work on a group project using the Agile methodology and scrum tactics but because we worked so closely together, merging branches and getting our app to production was fairly easy.
This post is not about programming, its purpose is to add a little substance to this site’s cover photo and share a little bit about myself.
Just released is the RedMonk Programming Language Rankings for Q1 2015, you can find a link here.
My first iteration of proved successful but when I shared the site with my wife, she could not get past how horrible it looked on her mobile phone.
I will freely admit that when faced with the task of learning some new programming framework or language, I am filled with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
Last Tuesday, I gave a talk at General Assembly DC’s first New Tech UnConference on Cognitive Science.
I found there are a lot of options for starting a blog online. Wordpress and Ghost and a new one called Jekyll.
After doing some research I found that a static site generator like Jekyll offers some advantages over dynamic sites like Wordpress:
Before creating this site, I agonized on whether to write a blog. I always liked the idea of a blog but did not think I would make a good blogger for two primary reasons:
I am a functional introvert who has learned to loath small talk.